I have been told that, when I was a child, I used to call my Grandparents and sing the chorus of the Stevie Wonder classic, "I Just Called To Say I Love You." Singing is definitely one way to let someone know you love them. But, if singing isn't your 'thing', there are other ways to let family, friends and significant others how you feel. Here are some ideas...

  1. Hug
  2. Ask about each others day
  3. Forgive mistakes
  4. Hold hands
  5. Leave a note in a pocket or purse
  6. Say thank you, say it often
  7. Boast about each other to mutual friends
  8. Kiss
  9. Express gratitude
  10. Give compliments
  11. Be supportive of each other's dreams
  12. Spend quality time together
  13. Share
  14. Handmake a card or gift
  15. Cuddle
  16. Be first to say "I'm sorry" after an argument
  17. Laugh
  18. Listen
  19. Give space when needed
  20. Do something creative together - paint, crafts, pottery...
How do You express love to those you care about?
Side note: Did you know, that love produces positive emotions? How awesome. Love is known to bring about many positive emotions. Laughter is one of those emotions. Laughter is known to be healing to the soul and good for your mental well-being. As they say, “laughter is the best medicine.”  It’s a very powerful antidote to fight stress, conflict and pain both mentally and physically. Love also has the power to heal and renew ones mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. Research shows that loving acts neutralize the kind of negative emotions that adversely affect immune, endocrine and cardiovascular function. Source: http://psychcentral.com/blog/archives/2012/05/27/3-ways-that-loves-helps-your-health/

Written with Love*



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